from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.test import TestCase, Client import json from .models import Continent, Country class BasicDataTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ['countrydata.xml'] def testGettingContinent(self): europe = Continent.objects.get(code="eu") self.assertEqual(, "Europe", "Getting continent Europe") def testCreatingContinent(self): Continent.objects.create(name="Testcontinent", code="tc") testcontinent = Continent.objects.get(code="tc") self.assertEqual(, "Testcontinent", "Getting a just created continent") def _testfieldtype(self, model, modelname, fieldname, type): try: field = model._meta.get_field(fieldname) self.assertTrue(isinstance(field, type), "Testing the type of %s field in model %s"%(fieldname, modelname)) except FieldDoesNotExist: self.assertTrue(False, "Testing if field %s exists in model %s"%(fieldname, modelname)) return field def testFieldTypes(self): self._testfieldtype(Continent, 'Continent', 'name', models.CharField) self._testfieldtype(Continent, 'Continent', 'code', models.CharField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'code', models.CharField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'name', models.CharField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'capital', models.CharField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'population', models.PositiveIntegerField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'area', models.PositiveIntegerField) self._testfieldtype(Country, 'Country', 'code', models.CharField) def testModelOrdering(self): prev = None # Check both Continent and Country classes for ModelClass in (Continent, Country): # Iterate over all objects and check that the next is greater than the previous for cur in ModelClass.objects.all(): if prev: self.assertTrue( <, "Checking ordering of objects in " + cur.__class__.__name__ + ". Did you remember to set the default ordering?") prev = cur prev = None def testCountryCreationValidation(self): europe = Continent.objects.get(code="eu") code_conflict = Country(name="Example", population=100, area=1000, capital="capital", code="fi", continent=europe) valid_country = Country(name="Example", population=100, area=1000, capital="capital", code="xx", continent=europe) # Cleaning conflicting code should raise an error self.assertRaises(ValidationError, code_conflict.full_clean, "Code for Country should be unique") # This should not raise any errors try: valid_country.full_clean() except: self.assertTrue(False, "Saving a country with valid data failed") def testCountryThroughContinent(self): # Get continent europe = Continent.objects.get(code="eu") # Test that foreign key relation works backwards try: fi = europe.countries.get(code="fi") except: self.assertTrue(False, "Getting country failed. Did you remember that countries should be accessed through attribute countries?") self.assertEqual(, "Finland", "Getting a country from a continent") def testCountryIsRelatedManager(self): continent = Continent.objects.first() self.assertEqual(type(continent.countries).__name__, 'RelatedManager', 'Use ForeignKey related_name to set the backwards relation.') class JsonTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ['countrydata.xml'] def setUp(self): """ Initializes the Django test client before each test """ self.client = Client() def _url(self, continent_code, country_code=None): if not country_code: return reverse('continent-json', args=[continent_code]) return reverse('country-json', args=[continent_code, country_code]) def testJsonContinents(self): for continent in Continent.objects.all(): response = self.client.get(self._url(continent.code)) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200, "Testing JSON continent request status code.") country_dict = json.loads(response._container[0].decode(encoding="utf-8")) # Check that each country name can be found under the corresponding code in dict for country in continent.countries.all(): self.assertEquals(, country_dict[country.code]) def testJsonCountries(self): for country in Country.objects.all(): response = self.client.get(self._url(country.continent.code, country.code)) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200, "Testing JSON country request status code.") fields = json.loads(response._container[0].decode(encoding="utf-8")) # Check that each field can be found in fields dict self.assertEquals(country.population, fields["population"]) self.assertEquals(country.area, fields["area"]) self.assertEquals(, fields["capital"]) def testJsonCallback(self): response = self.client.get(self._url('eu', 'no'), {"callback": "custom_callback"}) self.assertContains(response, "custom_callback(") response = self.client.get(self._url('eu'), {"callback": "trigger"}) self.assertContains(response, "trigger(") def testInvalidParameters(self): # Norway should not be found under North America response = self.client.get(self._url('na', 'no')) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404, "Looking for a real country in a wrong continent.") # There is no country "xx" in North America response = self.client.get(self._url('na', 'xx')) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404, "Looking for a non existent country in a real continent.") # There is no continent with a "xx" code response = self.client.get(self._url('xx', 'fi')) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404, "Looking for a real country in a non existent continent.") # Norway should be found under Europe response = self.client.get(self._url('eu', 'no')) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200, "Testing valid request status code.")